FeedBurner Articles

Self Realization and Sustainable Living

Monday, December 17, 2007

Wind Energy the Hard Way: 2XtM Sails for Awareness

Image Credit: treehugger

In January 2007, about the coldest time there is in North Dakota, a team of athletes snow kited across North Dakota - top to bottom - to bring awareness of the potential for wind energy development in the state to the rest of the world.

According to the To Cross the Moon - 2XtM snow kiting team, North Dakota has the potential to energize 32% of the US through wind energy, but ranked 13th. in production in 2004 and 15th in 2006.

The team used their passion for extreme endurance activities to educate, inspire, and motivate others to see the benefits of renewable energy, and to recruit others to cast their cares to the wind.

The following two posts are videos that will give you a glimpse into the cold, not so cruel, world of some very dedicated athletes and artists with a passion for sustainable change.

You can catch a windfall of other videos on the project at GreenEnergy TV .

Along with 2XtM's adventures, be sure to check out the GreenEnergy TV site for a phenomenal lineup of green videos on multiple subjects. While you're at it, visit the trip photographer's site at FreeSolo Photography and the Bannon River Sustainability Store.


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