FeedBurner Articles

Self Realization and Sustainable Living

Friday, December 28, 2007

Fair Trade: It's Only .....

Fair Trade partnerships work to provide low-income artisans and farmers with a living wage for their work.

In today's global economy, how we spend our hard earned cash affects people all over the world. Unfortunately, the products we currently enjoy are often made in conditions that harm workers, communities and the environment. The good news is that, increasingly, consumers are demanding more humane and more environmentally sensitive products.

In a world where profits rule, small-scale producers are often left out of the bargaining process. Buying Fair Trade Certified products helps exploited producers escape from the cycle of corporate bargaining that often leaves farmers, craft producers and other workers with little to no resources to build into their futures; and your efforts give people a way to maintain their traditional lifestyles with dignity.

According to the Fair Trade Federation, the criteria to be recognized as being truly fair trade is:

  • Paying a fair wage in the local context
  • Offering employees opportunities for advancement
  • Engaging in environmentally sustainable practices
  • Being open to public accountability
  • Building long-term trade relationships
  • Providing healthy and safe working conditions within the local context
  • Providing financial and technical assistance to producers whenever possible
  • Ensuring that there is no abuse of child labor

So how can you be sure you're getting what you pay for? One way is to look for this logo:

And here's a way you can get involved and contribute to the movement.

Visit the Global Exchange Fair Trade Store and look deeply into their philosophy and products. Then, for ways to take further action, be sure to visit the Global Exchange Website , an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting environmental, political, and social justice.


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